Paolo Barbieri

Associate Professor

Short Profile

Paolo Barbieri, Ph.D. in Management Engineering, is Associate Professor.


PHD: Management Engineering, Padua University.
Master of Science: Management Engineering, University of Bologna.


Buyer-Supplier Relationships in uncertain, complex environments, and the measurement of supplier's performance. It is developed mainly through empirical approaches. A second field of interest is international sourcing of knowledge, especially for knowledge-intensive activities. Finally he recently started to work on CSR in SCM themes.

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P Barbieri, B Dattée, SK Mahapatra, "The paradox of supplier development in technology-based luxury supply chains", International Journal of Operations & Production Management 43 (11), 1723-1756, 2023

P Barbieri, HM Nguyen, "In the shadows of silence: wireless restrictions and long-term socioeconomic outcomes", Available at SSRN 4579734, 2023

P Barbieri, C Dosi, M Vignoli, "Implementing reshoring: insights and principles from a longitudinal case study in the e-bike industry", Operations Management Research 16 (2), 555-573, 2023

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "Italian Supply Backshoring and the relationship between Deglobalization, Decoupling & European Regionalization"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C DI STEFANO, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, ..., "Processi di reshoring nella manifattura italiana", Rivista di politica economica 1, 79-114, 2023

P Barbieri, A Paulraj, R Eltantawy, G Prodi, "Understanding the governance of high-performing international buyer-supplier relationships in China using complexity-based contingencies", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 28 (4), 100794, 2022

B Dattée, JL Arrègle, P Barbieri, TC Lawton, DN Angwin, "The dynamics of organizational autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini", Administrative Science Quarterly 67 (3), 721-768, 2022

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "How does Industry 4.0 affect international exposure? The interplay between firm innovation and home-country policies in post-offshoring relocation decisions", International Business Review 31 (4), 101992, 2022

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, D Sirtori, ..., "Please dont go! Understanding the host-country factors affecting relocation choices to minimize job losses", Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry, 235-258, 2022

PN Barbieri, H Nguyen, "Diabetes and Young Adults’ Labor Supply: Evidence from a Novel Instrumental Variable Strategy", Journal of Labor Research 43 (1), 1-23, 2022

F Boccali, F Visani, P Barbieri, R Franci, M Franchi, A Fortunato, "Additive Manufacturing: modelli di costing e applicazioni operative", CONTROLLO DI GESTIONE 3, 29-38, 2022

V Matteo, D Clio, B Paolo, M Franco, F Federico, B Silvano, "Designing a Policy for Reshoring: The Case of the Emilia-Romagna Region", L'industria, 307-337, 2022

M Vignoli, C Dosi, P Barbieri, F Mosconi, G Prodi, F Frattini, S Bertini, "Progettare policy per il reshoring: il caso della Regione Emilia-Romagna", L'industria 43 (2), 307-337, 2022

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, ..., "Disentangling reshoring types: empirical evidence from Italy"

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "Disentangling reshoring types: empirical evidence from Italy"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "What can we plausibly bring back? Opening a discussion on reshoring of supplies"

C Dosi, M Vignoli, P Barbieri, F Frattini, F Mosconi, G Prodi, "Experimenting with policy design: fostering reshoring in Emilia Romagna region", CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation 6 (1), 7-14, 2022

PN Barbieri, O Giuntella, S Saccardo, S Sadoff, "Author Correction: Lifestyle and mental health 1 year into COVID-19", Scientific Reports 11 (1), 23969, 2021

PN Barbieri, HM Nguyen, "When in America, do as the Americans? The evolution of health behaviors and outcomes across immigrant cohorts", Economics & Human Biology 43, 101063, 2021

P Barbieri, L Ellram, M Formentini, JM Ries, "Guest editorialEmerging research and future pathways in digital supply chain governance", International Journal of Operations & Production Management 41 (7), 1021-1034, 2021

S Elia, L Fratocchi, P Barbieri, A Boffellid, M Kalchschmidt, "Post-pandemic reconfiguration from global to domestic and regional value chains: the role of industrial policies"

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Dalle catene del valore globali a quelle locali. Il covid riconfigura le filiere produttive", SISTEMI & IMPRESA 6, 69-73, 2021

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "15 COVID-19 and Global Value Chains", Covid-19 and International Business: Change of Era, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "Covid-19 and global value chains: reconfiguration of activities across borders", Covid-19 and International Business, 169-179, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, D Samson, "What can we learn about reshoring after Covid-19?", Operations Management Research 13, 131-136, 2020

S Mahapatra, P Barbieri, S Rahimian, "A Content-analytic Understanding", The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability 16 (1), 1, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Please don’t go: contrasting the reshoring of foreign investments through country-specific factors to preserve the national workforce"

A Shabani, F Visani, P Barbieri, W Dullaert, D Vigo, "Reliable estimation of suppliers’ total cost of ownership: An imprecise data envelopment analysis model with common weights", Omega 87, 57-70, 2019

SK Mahapatra, R Narasimhan, P Barbieri, "A contingent assessment of the structural and governance characteristics of interconnected dyads in multitier supply chains", International Journal of Operations & Production Management 39 (5), 714-738, 2019

P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, R Golini, "Relocation of second degree: moving towards a new place or returning home?", Journal of purchasing and supply management 25 (3), 100525, 2019

F Ciabuschi, O Lindahl, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, "Manufacturing reshoring: A strategy to manage risk and commitment in the logic of the internationalization process model", European Business Review 31 (1), 139-159, 2019


A Baldazzi, P Barbieri, M Fini, L Fratocchi, "Serial manufacturing back-shoring: evidence from an Italian case study"

G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, L Wan, A Ancarani, C Di Mauro, F Mascali, ..., "Future of manufacturing in Europe. Reshoring in Europe: Overview 2015–2018", Publications Office of the European Union, 2019

B Paolo, "Classes and Inequalities:«queer» concepts?", Stato e mercato, 95-116, 2019

S Elia, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, G Dima, "The location advantages of efficiency-seeking firms in the era of Industry 4.0: a study on the relocations of second degree"

S Elia, L Fratocchi, P Barbieri, G Dima, "RSDs of efficiency-seeking firms: The role of industy 4.0 technology intensity and policies", Ideas, Economies and Policies, 1-29, 2019

S Elia, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, G Dima, "Relocations of Second Degree of Efficiency-Seeking Firms: the Role of Industry 4.0 Technology Intensity and Policies"

A Ancarani, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, G Nassimbeni, "Le ragioni del reshoring", ECONOMIA & MANAGEMENT 1 (gennaio-marzo), 54-57, 2019

P Barbieri, F Ciabuschi, L Fratocchi, M Vignoli, "What do we know about manufacturing reshoring?", Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing 11 (1), 79-122, 2018

S Elia, P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, R Golini, "Should I stay (abroad, but in another country) or should I go (back home)? A study on the intra-EU relocations of second degree in the manufacturing industries"

P Barbieri, "Body Weight and Employment: Is There an Overweight Premium?", Available at SSRN 2920595, 2017

PN Barbieri, "Healthy by Association: The effect of social participation on self-rated physical and psychological well-being"

P Barbieri, "Eat Less or Excercise More? Dieting Efforts and Price Policies", Dieting Efforts and Price Policies (January 9, 2017), 2017

A Shabani, P Barbieri, W Dullaert, D Vigo, F Visani, "Bridging the Gap Between Supplier Total Cost of Ownership and Data Envelopment Analysis", 15th International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, 1-1, 2017

A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, L Fratocchi, F Mascali, G Nassimbeni, ..., "Manufacturing Reshoring: evidence from the European Monitor of Reshoring", PROCEEDINGS OF THE 26TH IPSERA CONFERENCE, 1-10, 2017

P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, "Reshoring to Italy: A first characterization and a comparison to Europe and North America", L'industria, 317-340, 2017

MA Azzi, VP Babini, F Bacchin, P Barbieri, B Bartalini, C Bastelli, ..., "La direzione della rivista Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane ringrazia i seguenti donatori che hanno contribuito alla raccolta fondi “Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane entra nel PEP Web”", Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane 51 (1), 9-10, 2017

S Elia, P Barbieri, R Golini, L Fratocchi, "The drivers of the relocations of second degree involving manufacturing activities: a focus on European Union"

P Barbieri, L Fratocchi, "Le peculiarità del reshoring manifatturiero in Italia: un'analisi basata su dati secondari", L'industria 38 (3), 317-340, 2017

P Barbieri, F Ciabuschi, L Fratocchi, M Vignoli, "Manufacturing reshoring explained: An interpretative framework of ten years of research", Reshoring of Manufacturing: Drivers, Opportunities, and Challenges, 3-37, 2017

L Fratocchi, A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, G Orzes, ..., "Tempo di reshoring manifatturiero. Direttrici geografiche e motivazioni", SISTEMI & IMPRESA 1 (GENNAIO-FEBBRAIO), 36-42, 2017

S Elia, P Barbieri, R Golini, L Fratocchi, "Relocation of second degree intra-UE: a study in the manufacturing industries", 2017 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, 1-10, 2017

F Visani, P Barbieri, FML Di Lascio, A Raffoni, D Vigo, "Supplier’s total cost of ownership evaluation: a data envelopment analysis approach", Omega 61, 141-154, 2016

L Fratocchi, A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, ..., "Motivations of manufacturing reshoring: an interpretative framework"

F Luciano, P Barbieri, F Ciabuschi, M Vignoli, "Reshoring manifatturiero: analisi della letteratura e direttrici per future ricerche", ATTI DEL XIII WORKSHOP CMET, 1-2, 2016

P Barbieri, O Lindahl, L Fratocchi, F Ciabuschi, "A Behavioral and Risk-Management View of Reshoring"

P Barbieri, J Stentoft, "Reshoring: a supply chain innovation perspective", Operations Management Research 9 (3-4), 49-144, 2016

L Fratocchi, A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, ..., "Manufacturing back-reshoring as a nonlinear internationalization process", The future of global organizing 10, 365-403, 2015

L Fratocchi, P Barbieri, A Ancarani, C Di Mauro, A Troiano, M Vignoli, ..., "Manufacturing back-and near-reshoring: A comparison of European and North American companies"

L Fratocchi, C Di Mauro, P Barbieri, G Nassimbeni, A Zanoni, "When manufacturing moves back: Concepts and questions", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 20 (1), 54-59, 2014

P Barbieri, P Antony, E Reham, "A contingency approach to investigating governance forms in global sourcing: The case of emerging economies", PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH EUROPEAN DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE CONFERENCE, 1-48, 2014

P Barbieri, S Mahapatra, "A content analytic investigation of the inter-linkage between innovation and successful environmental strategy", PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5TH EUROPEAN DECISION SCIENCES CONFERENCE, 1-42, 2014

L Fratocchi, A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, ..., "Manufacturing Back-and Near-reshoring A Comparison among EU and North American Evidence", PROCEEDINGS OF THE IAMB... CONFERENCE (ONLINE), 2014

P Barbieri, M Santosh, "A Content Analytic Understanding of Innovation Driven Environmental Initiatives: Implications for Operational and Business Performance"

L Fratocchi, A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, ..., "Manufacturing back-reshoring and the firm’s internationalization process"

J Stentoft, P Barbieri, "Operations management research—call for papers: Special issue on:“Reshoring: a supply chain innovation perspective”", Operations Management Research 7 (3), 49, 2014

L Fratocchi, A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, ..., "Il back-reshoring manifatturiero nei processi di internazionalizzazione: inquadramento teorico ed evidenze empiriche"

L Fratocchi, L Iapadre, A Ancarani, C Di Mauro, A Zanoni, P Barbieri, "Manufacturing reshoring: threat and opportunity for East Central Europe and Baltic Countries"

L Fratocchi, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, M Vignoli, "Manufacturing back-reshoring-an exploratory approach for hypotheses development"

PN Barbieri, "Asymmetric Information"

F Luciano, N Guido, S Marco, A Alessandro, Z Andrea, B Paolo, M Vignoli, "Manufacturing Back-shoring and the Global Fragmentation of Production: What it is Changing after the Financial Crisis?", International Business, Institutions and Peformance after the Financial Crisis, 2013

B Dattee, T Lawton, P Barbieri, "Dynamic capabilities and innovation ecosystems: the case of technology-based premium price firms", Proceedings of the Strategic Management Society Special Confernece 2013, 1-3, 2013

F Laus, PN Barbieri, "La ricerca di nuovi modelli sanitari per fronteggiare la crisi: l'esempio del Servizio Sanitario di Singapore"

L Fratocchi, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, A Ancarani, C Di Mauro, A Zanoni, ..., "Manufacturing Back-shoring and the Global Fragmentation of Production: What it is Changing after the Financial Crisis?", 40th Acdemy of International Business UK & Ireland, 2013

L Fratocchi, S Equizi, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, A Ancarani, CD Mauro, ..., "Manufacturing Back-shoring: Theoretical Conceptualization and Empirical Evidences"

P Barbieri, I Vettolani, "Exploring the sourcing strategy in China in low volume, high complexity business: Evidences from the field", Proceedings of the 21st Ipsera Conference, 000-010, 2012

P Barbieri, R Eltantawy, A Paulraj, "Exploratory Framework of Relationship Governance in Global Sourcing: The Case of China", Proceedings of the 3rd EDSI Conference, 000-0010, 2012

F Visani, A Raffoni, P Barbieri, "Does TCO lead to efficient supplier relationships? A field study."

L Fratocchi, G Nassimbeni, A Zanoni, A Ancarani, M Valente, M Sartor, ..., "Manufacturing back-shoring: a research agenda for an emerging issue in international business", 37th European international business academy annual conference, 2011

P Barbieri, G Prodi, "Sourcing and Supply Management in China: How do they relate to firm’s strategy and International sourcing? Evidences from the field", Proceedings of 2nd EDSI Conference, 1-20, 2011

L Frattocchi, G Nassimbeni, A ZAnoni, A Ancarani, M Valente, M Sartor, ..., "Manufacturing Back-Shoring: a research agenda for an emerging issue"

P Barbieri, L Gavazza, G Prodi, "Supply China Management", Il mulino, 2011

SK Mahapatra, R Narasimhan, P Barbieri, "Strategic interdependence, governance effectiveness and supplier performance: A dyadic case study investigation and theory development", Journal of Operations Management 28 (6), 537-552, 2010

P Barbieri, M Longo, M Mura, "Ethical issues in buyer-supplier relationship. A dyadic examination in the European constriction industry", Proceedings of the 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference, 1-10, 2010

P Barbieri, G Bruno, A Zanoni, "Relazioni interorganizzative, Scambi informativi, e performance del fornitore", LOGISTICA MANAGEMENT 193, 61-74, 2009

P Barbieri, M Longo, M Mura, "Exploring the link between corporate social responsibility and company performance. The case of European construction companies"

P Barbieri, S Mahapatra, "Buyer-supplier relationship in supply network: implications of tier-II supplier management practices", Proceedings of the 2009 Euroma Conference, XXX-XXX, 2009

M Longo, M Mura, P Barbieri, "BRC Project-Building Responsible Competitiveness"


P Barbieri, A Zanoni, S Mahapatra, R Narasimhan, "Gestione strategica dei fornitori: Quale meccanismo di Governance? Evidenze dall’industria motociclistica"

P Barbieri, "Forecast Analysis and Vendor’s Performance: Evidences from the Ducati Case", proceedings of the XV ipsera conference, 232-242, 2006

P Barbieri, A Zanoni, "The e-procurement experience in Italian universities", Journal of Public Procurement 5 (3), 323-343, 2005

P Barbieri, B Mussini, A Zanoni, "Advanced IT Solutions for Supply Chain Integration: A case study in the Mechanical Industry", proceedings of the V GITMA conference, 102-106, 2005

P Barbieri, B Mussini, A Zanoni, "The Value of Communication for Supply Chain Integration: A case study in the Mechanical Industry", proceedings of the XIV ipsera conference, 456-464, 2005

P Barbieri, B Mussini, A Zanoni, "Information Exchange processes and supply chain relationships: an investigation in the Emilian Motor District", proceedings of the I CARV conference, 651-658, 2005

A Zanoni, P Barbieri, "The e_procurement experience in Italian university", sn, x-x, 2004

B Paolo, "Liberi di rischiare. Vecchi e nuovi lavoratori autonomi", Stato e mercato, 281-308, 1999

S Elia, P Barbieri, R Golini, L Fratocchi, "DECISION SCIENCES INSTITUTE"

L Fratocchi, A Ancarani, P Barbieri, C Di Mauro, G Nassimbeni, M Sartor, ..., "Manufacturing Back-and Near-reshoring"


C Marunti, "Analisi e revisione del livello di servizio dei fornitori. Ottimizzazione degli effetti sul piano strategico-operativo: Il caso Celine Production"

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