Matteo Kalchschmidt

Professore Ordinario


Matteo Kalchschmidt, Professore Ordinario di Project and Innovation Management presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, dell'Informazione e della Produzione dell'Università di Bergamo. Vice Rettore per l'Internazionalizzazione e le Relazioni Internazionali dell'Università di Bergamo Direttore del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale, dell'Informazione e della Produzione Membro del Comitato Direttivo dell'Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale (AiIG) Membro del Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG), un network internazionale di ricerca sulle pratiche manifatturiere Autore di oltre 40 articoli nelle migliori riviste internazionali Hindex Hc contemporaneo (basato su SCOPUS a novembre 2020):19.


PHD: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.
Master of Science: Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.


Mostra pubblicaz.
Nascondi pubblicaz.
A Madonna, A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, "Panarchy theory: myth or reality? Empirical evidence of the socio-ecological nature of supply chains", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2024

A Boffelli, J Colombo, MGM Kalchschmidt, "All that glitters is not gold. An empirical analysis on digital divide in Supply Chain Management"

MS Pugliese, DJ Powell, P Caughlan, A Boffelli, P Gaiardelli, ..., "Addressing the sustainability challenge with lean thinking and practice: an action learning approach in Cotonificio Albini SpA"

A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, "Jacopo Colombo (~)"

J Colombo, A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, "Manufacturing Execution System in Industry 4.0 Era: From Implementation to Impacts on Job Design", International Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Automation, 221-232, 2023

J Colombo, A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, H Legenvre, "Navigating the socio-technical impacts of purchasing digitalisation: A multiple-case study", Journal of purchasing and supply management 29 (3), 100849, 2023

D Gamba, T Minola, M Kalchschmidt, "Escaping the" tortoise shell paradox": digitalization and servitization in the green building construction industry-the case of Marlegno", Cases on Digital Entrepreneurship, 90-101, 2023

D Gamba, T Minola, M Kalchschmidt, "Teaching notes"

A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, H Moradlou, "Reshoring for sustainability: a cross-country multiple-case study"

A Boffelli, A Madonna, MGM Kalchschmidt, "The effect of institutional pressures on environmental performances"

J Colombo, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "From 0 to 4.0: a longitudinal case study of a Small-Medium Enterprise"

J Colombo, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, H Legenvre, "Embracing tensions and change in sustainable supply chain management. How new perspectives could help SCM in the search for sustainability"

S Khayyam, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, S Fosso Wamba, "Examining the Impact of Key Enabling Technologies on Offshoring, Reshoring, Backshoring, and Nearshoring in Manufacturing Location Decisions: A Literature Review"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "Italian Supply Backshoring and the relationship between Deglobalization, Decoupling & European Regionalization"

S Khayyam, A Boffelli, S Fosso Wamba, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Manufacturing relocation decisions-the role of key enabling technologies"

A Madonna, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "The effect of combined institutional pressures on environmental performances"

MS Pugliese, CO Rojas, MGM Kalchschmidt, A Boffelli, A Moretto, "Collaboration process of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation (SOI) initiatives: a case study"

MS Pugliese, D Powell, P Coughlan, MGM Kalchschmidt, A Boffelli, ..., "Addressing sustainability challenges with lean thinking and practice: an action learning perspective"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C DI STEFANO, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, ..., "Processi di reshoring nella manifattura italiana", Rivista di politica economica 1, 79-114, 2023

MS Pugliese, MGM Kalchschmidt, A Boffelli, G Carissimi, "Exploring the ISO-56002: 2019 Certification as an Enabler of Sustainability-Oriented Innovation (SOI) in the Textile Industry"

M Henkel, A Boffelli, J Olhager, M Kalchschmidt, "A case survey of offshoring–backshoring cases: the influence of contingency factors", International Journal of Production Economics 253, 108615, 2022

C Salvatore, A Madonna, A Bianchi, A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, "Collaborate for what: a structural topic model analysis on CDP data"

D Gamba, T Minola, M Kalchschmidt, F Adrodegari, "How Does Manufacturing Strategy Contribute to Servitization Orientation? The Moderating Effect of Firm Size"

B Colombo, A Boffelli, P Gaiardelli, M Kalchschmidt, A Madonna, ..., "A Multiple Case Study on Collaboration for a Circular Economy: A Focus on the Italian Textile Supply Chain"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "How does Industry 4.0 affect international exposure? The interplay between firm innovation and home-country policies in post-offshoring relocation decisions", International Business Review 31 (4), 101992, 2022

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, D Sirtori, ..., "Please dont go! Understanding the host-country factors affecting relocation choices to minimize job losses", Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-entry, 235-258, 2022

M Wiech, A Boffelli, C Elbe, P Carminati, T Friedli, M Kalchschmidt, "Implementation of big data analytics and Manufacturing Execution Systems: an empirical analysis in German-speaking countries", Production Planning & Control 33 (2-3), 261-276, 2022

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, ..., "Disentangling reshoring types: empirical evidence from Italy"

S Ronchi, M Kalchschmidt, "Prendere Decisioni"

T Buganza, M Kalchschmidt, "La gestione dei progetti"

MGM Kalchschmidt, T Buganza, "La gestione dei progetti", GESTIRE E ORGANIZZARE L'IMPRESA, 2022

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "Disentangling reshoring types: empirical evidence from Italy"

B Colombo, A Boffelli, A Madonna, P Gaiardelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain collaboration to foster circular economy: a multiple case study in the textile industry"

A Madonna, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Collaboration for sustainability in multi-tier supply chains: a bibliometric analysis and literature review"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, ..., "What can we plausibly bring back? Opening a discussion on reshoring of supplies"

MGM Kalchschmidt, S Ronchi, "Prendere decisioni", MANUALI, 2022

S Paleari, L Cassia, M Kalchschmidt, "Un dato di fatto: Uso e abuso del dato. Un viaggio tra realtà, rappresentazione ed emozione", Francesco Brioschi Editore, 2021

S Elia, L Fratocchi, P Barbieri, A Boffellid, M Kalchschmidt, "Post-pandemic reconfiguration from global to domestic and regional value chains: the role of industrial policies"

A Boffelli, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, SCLC Silva, "Doing the right thing or doing things right: what is better for a successful manufacturing reshoring?", Operations Management Research 14 (1), 1-16, 2021

D Gamba, T Minola, M Kalchschmidt, "Shaping servitization in smes related research A systematic literature review and future research directions"

A Sayegh, S Andreani, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Episodes in Experiential Futures", Harvard Graduate School of Design, 2021

A Madonna, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "La gestione sostenibile della catena logistica. Valutare le informazioni non finanziarie", SISTEMI & IMPRESA 5, 24-27, 2021

A Boffelli, P Barbieri, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Dalle catene del valore globali a quelle locali. Il covid riconfigura le filiere produttive", SISTEMI & IMPRESA 6, 69-73, 2021

J Colombo, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "La digitalizzazione del procurement", LOGISTICA MANAGEMENT, 69-73, 2021

A Boffelli, J Colombo, MGM Kalchschmidt, S Pirovano, "Il lavoro al tempo dell’Industria 4.0. Sviluppare potenzialità e competenze", SISTEMI & IMPRESA, 28-32, 2021

J Colombo, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, H Legenvre, "Adaptation and exaptation: how resources serve as a basis for resilience in crisis events"

J Colombo, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, H Legenvre, "A multiple-case study on the impact of digitalization in the purchasing department: a socio-technical perspective"

J Colombo, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, H Legenvre, "The digitalization of purchasing: An empirical analysis on the impact of new technologies on organization and performance"

A Boffelli, S Birolini, M Cattaneo, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Supply base taxonomy: A geographical analysis in the textile-fashion industry", IPSERA conference proceedings, 70-71, 2021

A Madonna, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "How Sustainable Supply Chain Management Affects Environmental Performances: A Longitudinal Analysis Of CDP Data"

J Colombo, H Legenvre, MGM Kalchschmidt, A Boffelli, ..., "The digitalisation of purchasing-An empirical analysis on the impact of new technologies on organization", IPSERA Online Conference 2021 Abstracts, 80-81, 2021

A Madonna, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "The role of sustainable supply chain management on improving environmental performance: a longitudinal analysis of CDP data"

A Boffelli, C Di Stefano, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, H Moradlou, "An exploratory study on the interplay between manufacturing backshoring and sustainability: which benefits for innovation?"

A Sayegh, S Andreani, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Responsive Environments. An Interdisciplinary Manifesto on Design, Technology and the Human Experience", Actar Publishers, 2021

A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, A Shtub, "Simulation-Based Training: From a Traditional Course to Remote Learning--The COVID-19 Effect.", Higher Education Studies 11 (1), 8-17, 2021

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "15 COVID-19 and Global Value Chains", Covid-19 and International Business: Change of Era, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, "Covid-19 and global value chains: reconfiguration of activities across borders", Covid-19 and International Business, 169-179, 2020

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, M Kalchschmidt, D Samson, "What can we learn about reshoring after Covid-19?", Operations Management Research 13, 131-136, 2020

M Kalchschmidt, S Birolini, M Cattaneo, P Malighetti, S Paleari, "The geography of suppliers and retailers", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 26 (4), 100626, 2020

C Cimini, A Boffelli, A Lagorio, M Kalchschmidt, R Pinto, "How do industry 4.0 technologies influence organisational change? An empirical analysis of Italian SMEs", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 32 (3), 695-721, 2020

P Carminati, MGM Kalchschmidt, R Golini, "Manufacturing subnetwork: towards an unambiguous definition of the concept"

P Carminati, MGM Kalchschmidt, R Golini, "Manufacturing subnetworks in multinational companies: definition, categorization and management process", 26th EurOMA Conference. Book of Abstracts, 45-45, 2020

J Colombo, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "The empowered organization: linking technologies 4.0 with the evolution of roles and tasks"

P Barbieri, A Boffelli, S Elia, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Please don’t go: contrasting the reshoring of foreign investments through country-specific factors to preserve the national workforce"

A Boffelli, L Fratocchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, C Lazzeri, I Verga, "Reshoring, sostenibilità e innovazione. I benefici di ricollocazione delle produzioni", SISTEMI & IMPRESA 8, 35-39, 2020

A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, L Aymon, "A meta-analysis of the relationship between green supply chain management internal practices and environmental performance"

P Gaiardelli, A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, D Bellazzi, SO Samorani, "Reshoring of Service Operations: Evidence from a Delphi Study"

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain management and global value chains", Handbook on Global Value Chains, 432-450, 2019

D Samson, M Kalchschmidt, "Looking forward in operations management research", Operations Management Research 12, 1-3, 2019

S Birolini, M Cattaneo, MGM Kalchschmidt, P Malighetti, S Paleari, "The Geography of Multinationals’, Suppliers’, and Retailers’ Networks"

S Andreani, M Kalchschmidt, R Pinto, A Sayegh, "Reframing technologically enhanced urban scenarios: A design research model towards human centered smart cities", Technological Forecasting and Social Change 142, 15-25, 2019

MGM Kalchschmidt, C Cimini, A Boffelli, A Lagorio, R Pinto, "Exploring the Impact of Industry 4.0 Investment on Manufacturing Organization"

A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, S Dotti, P Gaiardelli, "Creare sinergie tra obiettivi economici, ambientali e sociali: che cosa emerge dalla ricerca universitaria", LOGISTICA MANAGEMENT, 76-79, 2019

J Malin, A Boffelli, J Olhager, MGM Kalchschmidt, "A Meta-Analysis of Reshoring Case Studies: The Influence of Contingency Factors on the Relocation Decision"

A Boffelli, P Carminati, MGM Kalchschmidt, M Wiech, C Elbe, T Fiedli, "Evidences from the German speaking area: what to expect from Industry 4.0 technologies implementation?"

M Johansson, A Boffelli, J Olhager, MGM Kalchschmidt, "A meta-analysis of reshoring case studies-the influence of contingency factors on the relocation decision"

A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, L Balzari, "Understanding trade-offs among sustainability pillars through triangulation"

R Golini, V De Marchi, A Boffelli, M Kalchschmidt, "Which governance structures drive economic, environmental, and social upgrading? A quantitative analysis in the assembly industries", International Journal of Production Economics 203, 13-23, 2018

J Gualandris, H Legenvre, M Kalchschmidt, "Exploration and exploitation within supply networks: examining purchasing ambidexterity and its multiple performance implications", International Journal of Operations & Production Management 38 (3), 667-689, 2018

R Golini, P Landoni, M Kalchschmidt, "The adoption of the logical framework in international development projects: a survey of non-governmental organizations", Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 36 (2), 145-154, 2018

P Carminati, MGM Kalchschmidt, R Golini, S Vismara, "The impact of Private Equity investments on firms’ supply chain: evidence from 6 Italian cases"

P Carminati, MGM Kalchschmidt, R Golini, S Vismara, "The impact of Private Equity on firms’ supply chain: focus on capital expansion and turnaround investments"

M Kalchschmidt, T Buganza, "Teaching technical and behavioural competences in project management", Evaluation 4, 5.15, 2018

R Golini, A Mazzoleni, M Kalchschmidt, "National culture as an antecedent for information sharing in supply chains: A study of manufacturing companies in OECD countries"

R Golini, F Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain integration within global manufacturing networks: a contingency flow-based view", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 28 (3), 334-352, 2017

R Golini, A Moretto, F Caniato, M Caridi, M Kalchschmidt, "Developing sustainability in the Italian meat supply chain: an empirical investigation", International Journal of Production Research 55 (4), 1183-1209, 2017

A Boffelli, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Smiling Curve in the textile Supply Chain: what helps to Upgrade?"

R Golini, E Vanpoucke, A Vereecke, M Kalchschmidt, "Managing subnetworks within international manufacturing networks", EurOMA Conference, 2017

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, B Resta, S Dotti, A Boffelli, "Boosting added value: Upgrading patterns of ten manufacturers in the textile and clothing industry", Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 11049, 2017

R Golini, F Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, "Linking global value chains and supply chain management: evidence from the electric motors industry", Production Planning & Control 27 (11), 934-951, 2016

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Developing environmental and social performance: the role of suppliers’ sustainability and buyer–supplier trust", International Journal of Production Research 54 (8), 2470-2486, 2016

F Adobati, MGM Kalchschmidt, S Cavalieri, "BERGAMO2035. A new Urban Concept. A model for mid-size european cities", REDS _UNIVERCITY| DESIGN CHALLENGES BIENNALE SESSIONS 2016, 1-20, 2016

S Bandera, M Kalchschmidt, "Management pubblico e competenze nell'era dell'incertezza", Maggioli Editore, 2016

R Golini, R Pinto, C Guerlain, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain management in the construction industry: a systematic literature review", Success project materials, 2016

R Golini, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Relational governance as firms’ upgrading boost"

A Boffelli, R Golini, B Resta, F Thiella, MGM Kalchschmidt, S Dotti, "Il distretto tessile bergamasco-Le risposte alle sfide globali", SISTEMI & IMPRESA, 65-71, 2016

R Golini, A Boffelli, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Governance and Upgrading in Global Value Chains: a study in the manufacturing industry", CU, 2016

R Golini, J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Sustainable production and sourcing: the importance of integration within manufacturing networks"

A Vereecke, M Kalchschmidt, "E-business strategy: How companies are shaping their manufacturing and supply chain through the internet. A review and outlook"

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply risk management and competitive advantage: a misfit model", The International Journal of Logistics Management 26 (3), 459-478, 2015

J Gualandris, RD Klassen, S Vachon, M Kalchschmidt, "Sustainable evaluation and verification in supply chains: Aligning and leveraging accountability to stakeholders", Journal of Operations Management 38, 1-13, 2015

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Designing an expert system to support competitiveness through global sourcing", International Journal of Production Research 53 (13), 3836-3855, 2015

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Managing inventories in global sourcing contexts: A contingency perspective", International Journal of Production Economics 165, 64-78, 2015

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Mitigating the effect of risk conditions on supply disruptions: the role of manufacturing postponement enablers", Production planning & control 26 (8), 637-653, 2015

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, P Landoni, "Adoption of project management practices: The impact on international development projects of non-governmental organizations", International journal of project management 33 (3), 650-663, 2015

JGRDK Stephan, VM Kalchschmidt, M Kalchschmidt, "Sustainable evaluation and verification in supply chains: Aligning and leveraging accountability to stakeholders"

F Caniato, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Product flows and the role of the plant in global manufacturing networks", Proceedings 24th IPSERA Conference: Preparing for new competitive challenges, 2015

R Bonadei, S Cavalieri, M Cisani, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Bergamo 2.035 e oltre: la città e l'università verso il futuro prossimo"

J Gualandris, MGM Kalchschmidt, H Legenvre, "Yes! Purchasing can create and capture value. A study of purchasing capabilities and impact on Business Performance", Preparing for new competitive challenges, 2015

R Golini, B Resta, MGM Kalchschmidt, S Dotti, A Boffelli, "Local responses to global market pressures in the textile and apparel industry: evidence from six Northern Italian companies"

R Golini, B Resta, MGM Kalchschmidt, S Dotti, "Upgrading and supply chain management: a study in the textile and clothing sector"

R Golini, F Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain management within global manufacturing networks: a contingency flow-based view"

V Zanetti, S Cavalieri, M Kalchschmidt, R Pinto, "The role of additive manufacturing in the B2C value chain: Challenges, opportunities and models"

G Zotteri, M Kalchschmidt, N Saccani, "Forecasting by Cross-Sectional Aggregation.", Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, 2014

E Bartezzaghi, "L'organizzazione dell'impresa", Etas, 2014

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Customer pressure and innovativeness: Their role in sustainable supply chain management", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 20 (2), 92-103, 2014

J Gualandris, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Do supply management and global sourcing matter for firm sustainability performance? An international study", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 19 (3), 258-274, 2014

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "A model to evaluate upstream vulnerability", International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications 17 (3), 249-268, 2014

R Golini, J Gualandris, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Plant-level role and the development of sustainable management initiatives"

M Kalchschmidt, R Golini, J Gualandris, P Stefan Schaltegger, "Do supply management and global sourcing matter for firm sustainability performance", Supply Chain. Manag 19, 258-274, 2014

R Golini, J Gualandris, MGM Kalchschmidt, "The role of network internal integration in the development of plant-level sustainable management initiatives", Papers-XXV riunione scientifica annuale AiIG, 2014

S Cavalieri, MGM Kalchschmidt, L Vigano, "Il progetto Bergamo 2.(035)" Un nuovo concetto urbano per il nuovo mondo"", QUADERNI CENTRO STUDI SUL TERRITORIO 24, 63-67, 2014

M Falgari, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, P Landoni, "Managing international development projects: evidences from an international survey"

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Product and process modularity: improving flexibility and reducing supplier failure risk", International Journal of Production Research 51 (19), 5757-5770, 2013

F Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "The effect of global supply chain configuration on the relationship between supply chain improvement programs and performance", International Journal of Production Economics 143 (2), 285-293, 2013

T Buganza, M Kalchschmidt, E Bartezzaghi, D Amabile, "Measuring the impact of a major project management educational program: The PMP case in Finmeccanica", International Journal of Project Management 31 (2), 285-298, 2013

MGM Kalchschmidt, R Golini, "Global sourcing: evoluzione e leve di governo", Creare valore con il supply chain management, 63-82, 2013

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "How does innovativeness foster sustainable supply chain management?"

R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, L Piscitello, R Cagliano, "The role of external vs internal network capabilities for SMEs’ internationalization"

M Kalchschmidt, R Golini, P Landoni, "Managing International Development Projects: Evidences From An International Survey", Proceedings, 1-15, 2013

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, P Landoni, M Falgari, "Managing international development projects", Proceedings, 1-15, 2013

R Golini, A Mazzoleni, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Home Country Culture, Local Culture And Supply Chain Management", Proceedings of the 20th EurOMA Conference, 2013

R Golini, M Manzoni, L Liccardi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Supporting competitiveness through global sourcing: a methodology with expert system"

R Golini, A Mazzoleni, MGM Kalchschmidt, "The impact of national culture on supply chain management practices"

R Golini, D Salvatore, P Landoni, MGM Kalchschmidt, "The adoption of Logical Framework in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)"

MGM Kalchschmidt, A Mazzoleni, "The effect of culture on the relationship between manufacturing strategy and practices", Proceedings of the 20th EurOMA Conference, 2013

J Gualandris, R Klassen, S Vachon, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Building credibility within sustainable supply chains: toward a conceptual model", Proceedings of the 20th EurOMA Conference, 2013

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "How does innovativeness foster sustainable supply chain management? A multiple case analysis", Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 12064, 2013

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Improving Preparedness in Supply Chain Risk Management at Jacket"

R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, P Landoni, M Flagari, "Managing international development projects: evidences from an international survey"

J Gualandris, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Customer pressure and firm innovativeness: their role in driving sustainable supply chain management"

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain sustainability: the key role of trust and suppliers’ performance", Proceedings of the 20th EurOMA Conference, 2013

M Kalchschmidt, "Best practices in demand forecasting: Tests of universalistic, contingency and configurational theories", International journal of production economics 140 (2), 782-793, 2012

G Spina, "La gestione dell'impresa", Etas, 2012

FFA Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Global Supply Chain Managementin Context: Evidence fromthe Electric MotorIndustry", Innovative Decision Making for Global Integration, 1-10, 2012

E Bartezzaghi, M Kalchschmidt, T Buganza, "Assessing the maturity of project management competences and organization in industrial contexts", 2012 POMS Annual Conference, 1-1, 2012

R Golini, J Gualandris, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Sustainable supply chain management: the role of supply management improvement programs and global sourcing"

F Caniato, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain globalization in high speed train manufacturing: a global value chain perspective"

F Caniato, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain integration to face demand and product uncertainty: an empirical study", Proceedings of the 4th World P&OM Conference, 1-5 July 2012, Amsterdam, 2012

FFA Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain integration strategies under demand and product uncertainty: an empirical study", Serving the world, 1-8, 2012

MGM Kalchschmidt, N Syahruddin, S Seuring, "A critical analysis of supply chain integration in the agro-food industry"

MGM Kalchschmidt, A Mazzoleni, "The effect of culture on the relationship between manufacturing strategy and manufacturing practices"

F Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Global Supply Chain Management", Resource 2 (2), 2.2, 2012

J Gualandris, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain risk management and companies’ competitive advantage: a contingency perspective"

N Syahruddin, M Kalchschmidt, "Sustainable supply chain management in the agricultural sector: a literature review", International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics 3 (3), 237-258, 2012

R Golini, J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Implementing sustainable supply chain management: the role of supply chain management investments and global sourcing"

R Golini, J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Sustainable supply chain management: the role of supply chain management investments and global sourcing"

N Syahruddin, M Kalchschmidt, "Traceability in the cocoa supply chain: an Indonesian context", 23rd Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, 1-17, 2012

J Gualandris, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Why do industrial companies show different posture towards supply networks sustainability? A multiple case studies analysis"

P Danese, M Kalchschmidt, "The impact of forecasting on companies’ performance: Analysis in a multivariate setting", International Journal of production economics 133 (1), 458-469, 2011

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Moderating the impact of global sourcing on inventories through supply chain management", International Journal of Production Economics 133 (1), 86-94, 2011

P Danese, M Kalchschmidt, "The role of the forecasting process in improving forecast accuracy and operational performance", International Journal of Production Economics 131 (1), 204-214, 2011

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "The impact of risk conditions and postponement on upstream supply chain vulnerability", POMS 22nd Annual Conference, Reno, NV, 2011

MGM Kalchschmidt, N Syahruddin, "Towards sustainable supply chain management in agricultural sector", Proceedings of the 22nd POMS Annual Conference, 2011

F Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, S Ronchi, "Integrating quantitative and qualitative forecasting approaches: organizational learning in an action research case", Journal of the Operational Research Society 62 (3), 413-424, 2011

N Syahruddin, M Kalchschmidt, "Towards sustainable supply chain management in agricultural sector", International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics 3 (3), 2011

E Bartezzaghi, M Kalchschmidt, T Buganza, "Assessing the Impact of Project Management Corporate Training Programs"

F Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Global Supply Chain Integration: Addressing The Trade-Off Between Procurement Cost And Lead Time", [Proceedings], 1-15, 2011

F Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN CONFIGURATIONS AND MANAGEMENT: EVIDENCES FROM THE ELECTRIC MOTOR INDUSTRY", Proceeding of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute 2011, 2011

F Caniato, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain globalization in project manufacturing industries: evidences from the high-speed trains manufacturing", Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, 2011

R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Sustainability in the food supply chain: Evidences from the Italian beef industry", Proceedings of the 22nd POMS Annual Conference, 2011

E BARTEZZAGHI, T BUGANZA, M KALCHSCHMIDT, "Measuring the knowledge transfer for an educational program on Project Management", 22th Annual POMS, 2011

F Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Offshoring and nearshoring success: the importance of strategic reasons", Europ. Oper. Manag. Assoc 4 (2), 623-639, 2011

E Bartezzaghi, M Kalchschmidt, "The impact of aggregation level on lumpy demand management", Service Parts Management: Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control, 89-104, 2011

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Manufacturing Postponement: reducing upstream vulnerability by means of an improved flexibility", Department of Economics and Technology Management, University of Bergamo, 2011

G Reiner, D Aıssani, M Bierlaire, C Bozarth, B Chouaf, L Corbett, ..., "International Scientific Board", Rapid Modelling and Quick Response: Intersection of Theory and Practice, 345, 2010

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Global supply chain management and delivery performance: a contingent perspective", Rapid Modelling and Quick Response: Intersection of Theory and Practice, 231-247, 2010

M Kalchschmidt, Y Nieto, G Reiner, "The impact of forecasting on operational performance: Mediation effects through flexibility enablers", Operations Management Research 3, 129-137, 2010

MGM Kalchschmidt, "Introduzione ai progetti", L'organizzazione dell'impresa. Processi, progetti, conoscenza, persone, 291-305, 2010

R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Global Sourcing: evoluzione e leve di governo", Creare valore con il supply chain management, 2010

F Caniato, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Global supply chain configurations and drivers", Managing Operations in Service Economies, 2010

AV DE MASSIS, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Global sourcing, investimenti in supply chain e prestazioni", Sistemi & Impresa, 36-44, 2010

F Caniato, R Cagliano, M Kalchschmidt, R Golini, G Spina, "Evolutionary patterns in e‐business strategy", International Journal of Operations & Production Management 29 (9), 921-945, 2009

M Kalchschmidt, Y Nieto, G Reiner, "The impact of forecasting on operational performances: mediation effects through flexibility"

R Golini, FFA Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, "Supply chain integration in a global sourcing context"

G Reiner, MGM Kalchschmidt, Y Nieto, "The impact of forecasting on operational performance: mediation effects through flexibility", PROCEEDINGS OF THE 16TH EUROMA CONFERENCE, 2009

L Cassia, S Paleari, MGM Kalchschmidt, "L’imprenditorialità: pensiero, elementi, contesto", Sestante Edizioni, 2009

M Kalchschmidt, Y Nieto, G Reiner, "Managing demand through the enablers of flexibility: the impact of forecasting and process flow management", Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness: tools and mindset, 265-276, 2009

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Threats of sourcing locally without a strategic approach: impacts on lead time performances", Rapid Modelling for Increasing Competitiveness: Tools and Mindset, 277-292, 2009

R Cagliano, F Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, G Spina, "Supply chain configurations in a global environment: A longitudinal perspective", Operations Management Research 1, 86-94, 2008

P Danese, M Kalchschmidt, "The Effect Of Forecasting on Companies’ Performances", 15TH International Symposium on Inventories, 154-156, 2008

G Spina, S Ronchi, M Kalchschmidt, FFA Caniato, "Il processo decisionale-le fasi, gli approcci, il rischio e l'incertezza", La Gestione dell'Impresa, 221-270, 2008

G Spina, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Le decisioni interattive–La Teoria dei giochi", La gestione dell’impresa Seconda Edizione, 2008

MGM Kalchschmidt, G Spina, S Ronchi, F Caniato, "Il processo decisionale–Le fasi, gli approcci, il rischio e l’incertezza", La gestione dell’impresa-Seconda edizione, 2008

R Cagliano, F Caniato, R Golini, MGM Kalchschmidt, G Spina, "Manufacturing sustainability in declining industries", The International Manufacturing Strategy Survey, A Global Report, 27-32, 2008

P Danese, M Kalchschmidt, "The Impact of Forecasting on Performances: Is Accuracy the Only Matter?"

G Zotteri, M Kalchschmidt, "A model for selecting the appropriate level of aggregation in forecasting processes", International Journal of Production Economics 108 (1-2), 74-83, 2007

G Zotteri, M Kalchschmidt, "Forecasting practices: Empirical evidence and a framework for research", International Journal of Production Economics 108 (1-2), 84-99, 2007

R Cagliano, FFA Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, G Spina, "Evolutionary patterns in e-business strategy and supply chain integration"

R Cagliano, FFA Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, G Spina, "Successful manufacturing strategies in declining industries"

R Cagliano, FFA Caniato, R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, G Spina, "Manufacturing strategies in declining industries", Milano, 2007

R Cagliano, FFA Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, G Spina, "Produzione dieci e lode: le strategie di successo delle imprese", L'IMPRESA 1 (1), 68-75, 2007

MGM Kalchschmidt, R Cagliano, F Caniato, R Golini, G Spina, "Successful manufacturing strategies in declining industries"

MGM Kalchschmidt, R Cagliano, F Caniato, R Golini, G Spina, "Evolutionary patterns in e-business strategy and supply chain integration"

MGM Kalchschmidt, R Cagliano, F Caniato, R Golini, G Spina, "Manufacturing strategies in declining industries"

M Kalchschmidt, R Verganti, G Zotteri, "Forecasting demand from heterogeneous customers", International Journal of operations & Production management 26 (6), 619-638, 2006

G Spina, S Ronchi, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Le decisioni in pratica-Approcci e strumenti"

G Spina, MGM Kalchschmidt, "Il ruolo del tempo-Decisioni e turbolenza ambientale"

R Cagliano, M Kalchschmidt, P Romano, F Salvador, "EurOMA-POMS Joint International Conference", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 16 (4), 2005

G Zotteri, M Kalchschmidt, F Caniato, "The impact of aggregation level on forecasting performance", International Journal of Production Economics 93, 479-491, 2005

R Cagliano, M Kalchschmidt, P Romano, F Salvador, "EurOMA-POMS Conference Special Issue, Special Issue of Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 16, No. 4"

MGM Kalchschmidt, G Zotteri, "The impact of organizational structures within forecasting practices and companies' performances", Proceedings of the 12th international Euroma conference, 1189-1200, 2005

M Kalchschmidt, "The impact of organizational structures on forecasting practices and performances: evidences on the GMRG database"

F Caniato, M Kalchschmidt*, S Ronchi, R Verganti, G Zotteri, "Clustering customers to forecast demand", Production Planning & Control 16 (1), 32-43, 2005

R Cagliano, MGM Kalchschmidt, P Romano, F Salvador, "Editoria introduction to the special issue on supply chain management", Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 105-106, 2004

R Cagliano, M Kalchschmidt, P Romano, F Salvador, "Supply Chain Management, Special Issue of Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Vol. 10, No. 3"

E Bartezzaghi, M Kalchschmidt, "La spesa per gli acquisti di bene e servizi delle università un quadro di insieme"

E Bartezzaghi, M Kalchschmidt, "La gestione e l’organizzazione degli acquisti delle università: un’indagine su un campione di atenei"

MGM Kalchschmidt, E Bartezzaghi, "La spesa per gli acquisti di beni e servizi delle università: un quadro di insieme"

MGM Kalchschmidt, E Bartezzaghi, "La gestione e l'organizzazione degli acquisti nelle università: un'indagine su un campione di atenei"

M Kalchschmidt, G Zotteri, R Verganti, "Inventory management in a multi-echelon spare parts supply chain", International journal of production economics 81, 397-413, 2003

G Spina, A Vinelli, R Cagliano, M Kalchschmidt, P Romano, F Salvador, "One World? One View of OM?", SGE, 2003

R Cagliano, MG Kalchschmidt, P Romano, R Salvador Vallés, G Spina, ..., "" One world? One view of OM? The challenge of integratine research and practice"(Proceedings of Euroma-POMS Joint International Conference)", SGE Editoriali, 2003

M Kalchschmidt, R Verganti, "Forecasting short term demand in heterogeneous customer oriented demand management processes", Milan University Docenti of Engineering PhD Thesis, 2002

FFA Caniato, MG Kalchschmidt, R Verganti, "A forecasting approach to manage composite demand", Copenhagen, 2002

FFA Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, S Ronchi, R Verganti, G Zotteri, "Forecasting demand fluctuations due to promotional activities: a case in the fresh food industry"

R Cagliano, F Caniato, M Kalchschmidt, R Golini, "Department of Economics and Technology Management"

M Kalchschmidt, A Mazzoleni, "Department of Economics and Technology Management"

A Shtub, M Kalchschmidt, A Boffelli, "Simulation-Based Training: From a Traditional Course to Remote Learning-the Covid19 Effect"

FCRCM Kalchschmidt, "To cite this document: Federico Caniato Raffaella Cagliano Matteo Kalchschmidt Ruggero Golini Gianluca Spina,(2009)," Evolutionary patterns in e-business strategy â€¦", Management 29 (9), 921-945, 0

S Andreania, M Kalchschmidtb, R Pintob, A Sayegha, "Technologically-enhanced Responsive Environments: A Design Research Framework for Studying Urban Scenarios and the Impact of Emerging Technologies in Human-centered Smart Cities"

R Golini, M Kalchschmidt, "Department of Economics and Technology Management"

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Department of Economics and Technology Management"

J Gualandris, RD Klassen, S Vachon, M Kalchschmidt, "Assessing and verifying sustainability in the supply chain: Towards a conceptual framework"

J Gualandris, M Kalchschmidt, "Product and process modularity"

